====== Missed the window ====== During all the [[blog:tornado_near-miss|wild weather yesterday]] I thought I'd wait for a good weather window to jump on the [[blog:scootermania_descends_on_the_greiners|scooter]] and ride home. Around 6pm I thought I had my chance. Decided to pull on my rain pants just in case, though it had been drive for a couple hours at work. Just as I threw my leg over the scooter and started rolling, big dollops of rain started falling. I was pretty much pelted with rain and buffeted by wind the whole way open. Even with my rain coat and pants, my teeth were chattering by the time I rolled into my driveway. Rain in the face, and the lips in particular, stings at 35MPH. Not sure how the motorcycle people do it without a full-face helmet. Still, not worth mentioning compared to what our neighbors in Windsor and Greeley had to endure yesterday. {{tag>scooters weather}} ~~LINKBACK~~ ~~DISCUSSION:off~~