Bartlett Wash

Bartlett Wash

Mike at the entrance to Bartlett Wash. We were talking about how there'd be some good camp sites down in those trees, and that there was nobody there...until we got to the bottom of the hill and saw the five or six cars and camps that we couldn't see from above!
Bob and Lawrence surfing around on some of the smooth, red Navajo Sandstone at the beginning of Bartlett Wash. This is the same bowl where the picture of Mike riding a wheelie was taken last spring. The wheelie picture is the one used as the background image, for those of you viewing this web using Netscape.
(L to R) Lawrence, Bob, and Mike saying Hi from Bartlett Wash. You could play all day on the rolling, smooth slickrock on this ride. BTW, this was a timer shot. Mike set the camera and then rode over and jumped in with plenty-O-time to spare.
Stone castles, and the moon, Bartlett Wash.

Mike Greiner, Home Page, Mail me Fort Collins, Colorado, USA