Mike's Blog

53cm Bianchi road bike for sale

Sold! Yeah!

Know anyone who needs a road bike?


and yet the craziness persists

After praising dokuwiki in my earlier post, it promptly fell over sideways and refused to work properly for the blog plugin. Then I was reminded of the hassle of not having root access on my shared web server at A Small Orange. All my dokuwiki files were created as the web server user, not my own user. No love chmod/chgrp'ing the files so that I could edit/modify/delete them.


Spring in Colorado, Yeah baby!

I've lived in Colorado since 1974 and still I am amused by the weather. It's 9:10 a.m. on April 25th. The day started sunny, but cool, perhaps in the 40s (F). It is now snowing and blowing. Today we have a particular interest, since we'll (theoretically) be outside for hours with flag football and soccer. And weather at the soccer complex is almost always more extreme than here on the west side of town. Of course by game time it'll probably be sunny and 60s… :-)


dokuwiki does kind of rock

As little sense as it probably makes for me to continue maintaining my own software installations for things like blogging, wiki, photo galleries, etc., there is a certain satisfaction in doing so. And since we use dokuwiki at work, it seems like a good choice for my personal wiki.

I just installed the blog plugin via the Blogsuite Bundlehub and it is pretty slick. At least until the next update of any of the plugins which will then take an hour to install due to my own customizations, plugin changes, complete rearchitecture of dokuwiki, etc. :-\


Yep, it's wet in Utah

Just to follow up yesterday's Moab rain news from Steve, Dave Harris uploaded a set of ride pictures from the St. George, Utah area. Here's one with his friend crossing a low spot carrying his bike. Steve also mentioned that the Colorado River was very full, as were irrigation canals, etc. along the western slope of Colorado. C'mon Utah – think sun, think sun, think sun…


· 2007/09/26 11:45 am · 0 Linkbacks

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