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blog:tornado_near-miss: 6 Hits
====== Tornado near-miss (for Fort Collins) ====== We just had to cluster to the middle of our building [[... and Harmony Road]] here in Fort Collins. A large tornado touched down near [[ the afternoon. Beyond that, we don't usually get tornado-generating storms this close to the mountains.
blog:tornado_volunteer_opportunities: 3 Hits
====== Tornado volunteer opportunities ====== Here are some details on how you can help the people impacte... by the [[|tornadoes that struck northern Colorado on Thursday]]. **Volunteering** The [[http://www.firstcall211.o
blog:tornado_volunteer_schedule_update: 3 Hits
====== Tornado volunteer schedule update ====== An updated schedule from the Vineyard Gang. Greetings aga... ers show up and help clean up her field after the tornado dragged her huge barn across her field. One team... elp to give, or help needed, shoot us an email at Finally, finally ;) Jeff Hirs
blog:windsor_tornado_volunteer_schedule_this_week: 3 Hits
====== Windsor tornado volunteer schedule this week ====== The [[|Vineyard ... of the Rockies church]] is coordinating a Windsor tornado volunteer schedule throughout this week and weeke... Windsor Hotline at 970.631.4871 or contact us at for the Kingdom, Jeff Hirschof
blog:noaa_maps_the_tornado_s_path_with_google_maps: 2 Hits
====== NOAA maps the tornado's path with Google Maps ====== My friend Wade sent me this [[http://www.crh.n... oogle Map created by NOAA]] to track the May 23rd tornado. Pretty wild to zoom in on the area near Milliken
blog:missed_the_window: 2 Hits
= Missed the window ====== During all the [[blog:tornado_near-miss|wild weather yesterday]] I thought I'd
tag:weather: 1 Hits Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0