You can find the results of your search below. If you didn't find what you were looking for, you can create or edit the page named after your query with the appropriate button.
41 Hits====== Formatting Syntax ======
[[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make... ttons]], too.
===== Basic text formatting =====
DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and... rse you can **__//''combine''//__** all these.
DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and
28 Hits====== DokuWiki ======
[[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}]] DokuWiki is a standards compliant,... no database is required.
Read the [[doku>manual|DokuWiki Manual]] to unleash the full power of DokuWiki.
===== Download =====
DokuWiki is available at
===== Read Mo
9 Hitsyet the craziness persists ======
After praising dokuwiki in my [[blog:dokuwiki_does_kind_of_rock|earlier p... on my shared web server at A Small Orange. All my dokuwiki files were created as the web server user, not my... n as the web server. I added the following to the dokuwiki .htaccess file:
AddType application/x-httpd-ph
8 Hits====== Dokuwiki takes over ======
After some brief consideration of [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] as a complete replacement for my old web site, I wrote one rewrite rule, ed... nearly that bad. And I am very psyched about the Dokuwiki feature set. So far it's handling all my top-tier
6 Hits====== Learning About Dokuwiki ======
====== Cool Features ======
* [[doku>wiki:interwiki|interwiki link... tion date, use the Meta plugin and [[|a trick or two]]. What seemed to w... , ~~META:date created = YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM~~
- rm dokuwiki/data/index/cdate.idx
- refresh the blog:start p
5 Hits====== dokuwiki does kind of rock ======
As little sense as it probably makes for me to continue maintainin... nd since we use [[|dokuwiki]] [[|at work]], it se...|blog plugin]] via the [[|Blogsuite Bundlehu
4 Hitslso view a list of the [[|most recently changed page... ====
* [[learning:bible|Bible]]
* [[learning:dokuwiki|DokuWiki]]
* [[learning:flex|Flex]]
====== Pho
4 Hits====== Upgrade to Dokuwiki 2008-05-05 ======
Ever not true to just leaving things alone and working, I upgr...|Dokuwiki 2008-05-05]] this morning. For better or worse I ... of the page. An odd choice for a default value.
{{tag>blogging dokuwiki}}
1 Hits|biking]]\\
[[|recent changes]]\\