
Shared version of this document at the GHKinship group.

Kathy and Mike will lead discussion on week 1, introducing the Book of Luke.

1. The Story Begins (1:1 - 4:13)

  • Week 1: The Prologue, The Announcement and Birth of Jesus, the Messiah (1:1 - 2:52), Carol and Dave
  • Week 2: Jesus' Preparation for Ministry (3:1 - 4:13), Brian

2. The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee (4:14 - 9:50)

  • Week 3: Good News for Nazareth and Capernaum (4:14 - 4:44), Luis and Sarah
  • Week 4: Mission and Controversy (5:1 - 6:11), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 5: Jesus Instructs the Disciples and Others (6:12 - 49), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 6: Good News to the Poor (7:1 - 50), Renee
  • Week 7: Authentic Hearing, Fear, and Faith (8:1 - 56), Carol and Dave
  • Week 8: The Identity of Jesus and Authentic Discipleship (9:1 - 50), NEEDS_LEADER

3. On the Way to Jerusalem (9:51 - 19:44)

  • Week 9: Discipleship: Hearing and Doing the Word (9:51 - 11:13), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 10: Opposition to Jesus (11:14 - 54), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 11: Discipleship and Preparedness (12:1 - 13:9), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 12: Jesus in Opposition to Pharisaism 1 (13:10 - 14:34), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 13: Jesus in Opposition to Pharisaism 2 (15:1 - 17:10), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 14: Responding to the Presence of the Kingdom (17:11 - 19:27), NEEDS_LEADER

4. The Events of the End (and New Beginning) in Jerusalem (19:45 - 24:53)

  • Week 15: Jesus Teaches in the Temple (19:45 - 21:38), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 16: The Trial and Death of Jesus (22:1 - 23:56), NEEDS_LEADER
  • Week 17: The Vindication and Exaltation of Jesus (24:1 - 53), NEEDS_LEADER

5. The Good News Begins in Jerusalem (Acts 1:1 - 6:7)

Since Luke and Acts are really part 1 and part 2 of the same story…

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